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Operational Transformation

Optimise your operations for increased cost-savings and efficiency

Service elements

Drive measurable improvements in quality, productivity, profitability, and customer satisfaction with industry-recognised continuous improvement techniques.Conduct mid/long-term scenario planning to forecast the impact of different programme structures

  • Our Process Reengineering Consultants are accredited in Six Sigma and other methodologies, and work with you to define, measure, analyse, improve, control, and standardise operational processes for maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

  • Embed a culture of continuous improvement within your organization with our Change Managers, ensuring that improvements are sustained and ongoing.

  • Our Data Consultants use advanced analytical techniques to uncover opportunities for improvement beyond those identified by traditional business analysts.

  • Leverage machine learning, automation, and natural language processing to take your efficiencies to the next level with our Technical Consultants.

Enhance customer service whilst reducing operating cost using the latest technology.

  • Devise an optimal customer service strategy, including resourcing (insourcing, outsourcing), platform selection, and architecture planning.

  • Our Technical Consultants have extensive experience in implementing hyper-personalized, multi-channel experiences, utilizing NLP chatbots, automation, and self-service. Similarly, our Architects have expertise in working with various platforms that enable seamless integration of multiple channels while minimising reengineering costs.

  • Data Consultants will collaborate with you to ensure that your data architecture provides service personnel with accurate customer information in real-time.

  • Our UX and Process Reengineering teams will design and implement highly interactive and personalized user journeys, enhancing the customer experience.

Increase visibility, collaboration, and efficiency across your procurement and supply chain.

  • Optimize stock levels and logistical tactics with our Architects and Development Engineers who bring deep experience in supply-demand matching algorithms

  • Our Technical Consultants can implement IOT, analytics, and ML to help improve your supply chain visibility and reduce risks

  • Improve collaboration and hand-offs across the supply chain by introducing and integrating digital platforms with our Architects and Development Engineers, ultimately managing supplier relationships better.

  • Automate procurement tasks such as requisition and PO processing with the expertise of our Business and Technical Consultants.

Improve workplace collaboration and productivity with digital solutions.

  • Empower your workforce with digital collaboration tools, mobile enablement, cloud computing, and knowledge management systems.

  • Streamline and accelerate your work processes with Agile and hybrid work methodologies through our Agile Coaches and Change Managers.

  • Implement efficient communication channels and protocols to ensure successful planning, execution, and adoption of digital workplace initiatives.

Embed Al technologies into your processes, systems, and decision-making.

  • Our strategists will evaluate potential, real-world Al use cases

  • Then, our Architects and Data Consultants will determine the most effective Al development approach.

  • Finally, our Software and Data Engineers will implement and integrate Al into your desired approaches.

Support post-merger integration with programmatic, architectural, technological, and migratory expertise.

  • Our team will assess the optimal integration approach, then, develop and implement a roadmap for integrating two ICT estates together.

  • Ensure programmatic rigour in execution with our Programme Management and PMO teams, following a 30-day sprint plan.

  • Work with our Product Consultants to determine the best approach to rationalise digital products and services.

  • Optimise large-scale migration of customers and/or employees across platforms using cohort analysis, automation, and self-service with our Migration Experts and Change Management Consultants.

Develop more efficient operations with an agile DevOps culture.

  • Consult with our experts to strategize your journey towards DevOps or DevSecOps and determine the right approach for your organization.

  • Migrate your traditional delivery and application processes to DevOps with the guidance of our experienced Technical Consultants, Business Analysts, and Change Managers.

  • Introduce a DevOps practice across your organization and empower your in-house resources with training and support from our Change and Learning Teams.

Establish a holistic framework to measure and manage your organisation's security posture.

  • Assess your security posture, governance, compliance, and ISO 27001 with our Security Consultants to deliver a comprehensive and measurable approach.

  • Implement a control frameworkwith the help of our Business and Technical Consultants to ensure your security posture aligns with your risk appetite and investment

Unlock your full digital potential with our expert guidance and tailored solutions.